Yes, I realize that I’m very addicted in something called “book”. I thought my book is less than one hundred. Maybe just ninety plus some books…=D Today I want a book written by Andrea Hirata, his newest book: Sebelas Patriot. Since I met him in the Meet and Greet time at Toga Mas bookstore –mid-last-year—I admire him so much. My friend said, I’m Andrea-holic. I want to have all of his books, all of his masterpieces, include this one.
But… I still have one-two-three-four, four books unread yet. That’s 1) Musashi: Water (book 2) by Eiji Yoshikawa, Japanese writer. I got it in Alun-Alun Utara of Surakarta Palace, very cheap price. 2) The Vine of Desire by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, Indian novelist. I got her book in computer fair a month ago, cheap price also. 3) Patriot Games by Tom Clancy. Translation book I bought in computer fair. 4) Wildest Dream by Jennifer Blake. An import book, I got it in Alun-Alun Utara of Surakarta Place. The only one import book I found. Eight-hundreds rupiahs. Surely, I want some import book that time to improve my English. =)
Somehow, I want those Sebelas Patriot but I think, will I finishing read other books I bought before? So for this time now…should I buy Andrea Hirata’s newest book? If yes… then what will my mom said??
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